Disclaimer: I
just hope you will find charming when I spill over the limits of my English as
a second language.
In these times
when CORONA has shown us how interconnected we are, how vulnerable and fragile
life is, one
coffee-cup of anxiety with a teaspoon of worry cream is recommended. A few
days ago I stumbled upon a piece of news that announced, somewhat
condescending, that "Fear spreads faster than the virus." This
mockery tune made some of us dance on it until recently and we, at least in
Romania, had a good laugh making jokes about the super-protective power of our
homemade brandy against any viruses. However such ephemeral smiles just
bended up the corners of our lips, leaving us vulnerable for an invisible
invasion. And everyone remembers that not long ago Italians were also relaxed
and didn't count this coffee-cup among their favorites, because no one drinks
something like this when they could select among an espresso, cappuccino or a macchiato served
outside on a nice terrace full of friends. What I mean is that, yes, it is much
better for the fear to spread faster than the virus than to let CORONA have the
final, big laugh. In fact, God has provided us with emotions such as anxiety
and worry just to protect us, to motivate our preventive actions. But this
paradox - that absolutely all emotions, including those that seem negative, are
actually useful – it’s a known fact in psychology. You don't have to believe
me, read some positive psychology studies like The Upside of Your Dark
But let me be clear, only one coffee-cup of anxiety per day is digestible,
as much as we need to keep us safe and avoid danger. OK, OK, if Panic insists,
I also agreed that we might let everyone decide how strongly to make it and
whether or not to add the worry cream. But beyond that point I am not going to
accept any compromise. And that's for your own good! So along with your other
morning routine you can take a few sips from this coffee-cup to have enough
energy to sidestep, bypass and go around CORONA each day. But be careful not to
overdose, it’s only going to make you dizzy! What I mean is that in order to be
helpful, to get us out of trouble, our emotions should adapt to the nature and
intensity of the external threats. And for the most part that is exactly what
they do. But if our internal engine reaches 4800 rotations per second when we
just imagine ourselves venturing out to buy bread from the nearby store, we
only increase the planet’s pollution level. And yes, when the external pressure
increases and objective flags signal a greater danger, when CORONA was already
granted temporary residence in our city despite the hate messages received,
then we should definitely adapt our behavior to avoid crossing her path. As you
could guess my only vote goes for the Adaptive Response Party,
which has long advocated for the ecological version of the adjustment
reactions. The Party also accommodates some strong personalities, but generally
the working majority supports law packages appropriate to each situation.
However, this global CORONA crisis is unprecedented. To cope with it the Party
frantically searches for the best strategies, but in all honesty neither the
President nor the other notorious members have any clue about how to do it.
During this crisis the general advise for all of us (including the President)
is to incorporate in our system a new normal (COVID-19 V2.0),
a different normal from the one we were used to, a new normal that has its
temporary reasons. And if the situation continues to change (which is probably
the case) we will need to adjust again, so we are already advised to be updated
and use the latest version of the new normal (COVID-19 V3.0) which can be
downloaded from Google Play for all Android and iPhone devices. And this can go
up to the highest new normal level Made in China
(COVID-19 V13.13) that was hectically translated in Italian and currently has
the largest number of downloaded versions. Anyway, those of interested to find
out more about the adjustment reaction could access Peter’s Sadsman post from 2005.
The alarm signals
Don’t tell me
because I already know: the anxiety and worry are automatic reactions. They
came uninvited and decided to through a party in our yard without asking
whether we are happy with their loud music or not. They simply entered and
threw themselves on the couch in front of the TV without even washing their
hands. But the worst thing is that, despite our repeated protests, they decided
to stay. They eat at our table, decide which TV channels are on, talk
ceaselessly and came up with requests: to check, to wash, to monitor our body
for any (and they mean any!) new symptoms, to search for assurances that we are
OK and then search again, to watch that all family members are fully observant
of sanitary norms and to overreact for even minor violations. At night - when
we reach the point of exhaustion – they insidiously get in our beds and by
their constant movements steal our blanket covers and leave us in the cold all
night. Although we hate how they parasite our existence we still listen to
their whispers for we fear they might be right and we are really missing
something. But we can’t, we really can’t bear their loud music any longer!
If the above
scenario sounds familiar, you may be susceptible to clinical anxiety. But to
find that out I am about to offer you a test that goes like this: I will walk
around the golf course and occasionally raise a red flag. You say YES and take
it (if it sounds like you), or you say NO and leave it there (if you never did
that). Then you count the flags to see what the catch was. Fair enough?[2]
Flag 1) You
think (always thought) that such a clear hygiene set of rules as the one
suggested by authorities to prevent the spreading of COVID-19 should be the
social norm for everyone even after this crisis ends;
Flag 2) The fear
that you or someone in your family could be infected never leaves you;
Flag 3) You
constantly check the news feed and closely watch the evolution of the virus in
your country as a reassurance that you are going to be fine;
Flag 4) You
carefully monitor your body and are always alert to any abnormal signs so that
you could act immediately;
Flag 5) If
someone from your family is not compliant with the behavioral recommendations
suggested during this crisis you strongly feel this carelessness is dangerous
and try hard to persuade the person to comply (what was he thinking???);
Flag 6) You
disinfect your house with detergents (or even chlorine) every day to prevent
things to get infected;
Flag 7) You
creat(ed) in your mind the darkest scenarios with the negative consequences
that CORONA could bring for you and your family;
Flag 8) You
always feel tense and cannot sleep at night because of internal agitation;
Flag 9) You
bought five (or more!) times as many provisions as usual and you made
additional adjustments for depositing them in your home.
Flag 10) You
repeatedly consider calling 911 (or have already done so) when you feel unwell
or find a worrying symptom (although doctors assured you that everything is OK)
Now that you
walked through the golf course how many flags are in your hand? Don't have to
say out loud, but if you know there are more than three, you should contact a
mental-health practitioner. It’s highly probable that even before the CORONA
crises you had some uninvited guests who hummed different worries along the
secret corridors of your soul. As you also enjoyed some quiet times, you
thought they were gone, forever! Although the house was clean, your address
remained in their database and they came back with some friends from China. But
you know what, the nasty uninvited guests can be fired, and if they continue to
carelessly watch the movie and eat popcorn on your sofa you can cut their
Internet connection and cable TV, stop feeding them, stop listening to their
commands, and finally leave them in the dark. After a while, as they will
hopelessly notice that you stubbornly decided not to answer their cries, they
will look for another host, excusing themselves away from this awful
If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could
contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good
offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so
let me drive the roller-coaster.
Email: bogdan.tulbure@e-uvt.ro
[1] Kashdan & Biswas-Diener (2015).The Upside of Your Dark Side: Why Being Your Whole Self - Not Just Your "Good"
Self - Drives Success and Fulfillment
[2] Disclaimer: This make-believe
assessment doesn’t even get close to the authentic value of a rigorous clinical
assessment conducted by a trained mental-health professional. Although it
contains some clues regarding anxiety symptoms, the equivocal language used and
the arbitrary criteria precludes any clinically relevant conclusions.
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