Saturday, April 25, 2020

The wind and the cherry tree

I was reading in my studio during one spring weekend day trying to delight myself with the oftentimes fascinating perspectives of other brilliant minds. And during one brief pause my accidental glance on the window caught the unannounced white petals parade enacted by the playful interaction between the wind and a nearby cherry tree. My buzzing mind abandoned for a moment all previous activities and let itself be absorbed by the splendors unfolding before my eyes. During that mindful moment I realized how wastefully generous the nature is when offering such free confetti productions, with no previous warnings or advertising. Neither the wind choreographer nor the cherry tree petal dancers seemed to care even for a bit whether their unique show is recorded or not, or whether someone, anyone, is paying attention. God know how many times I’ve missed their beautiful acts during my busy days while caught up in my cluttered program. But with or without bystanders, the wind and the cherry tree are naturally enjoying their daily interactions being animated exclusively by intrinsic motivations, with no thoughts whatsoever about anything that would vaguely resemble performance anxiety. They carry on with their lives and offer every spring, to anyone who cares watching, their wastefully beautiful charades of wedding like confetti entertainment. And probably that’s why such candid moments, with their magical appeal, can evoke in those attending a real cascade of emotions like joy, and gratitude, and awe. If we care to notice, nature offers us such beautifully brief mementos that, despite what happen around and inwards, hope still survives.         



Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hypothesis for CORONA’s origin

When faced with uncertainty and unpredictability we naturally struggle to fill in the void with plausible explanations. Making sense of what we see and coming up with credible theories represent a legitimate attempt to better orient ourselves in the new environment. The increasing number of CORONA infections and deaths, the massive disruption for our daily life and the economy made us fill in the unknown with different theories. However, when competing explanations fight for shedding light into the same mechanisms (i.e., the natural or artificial nature of a virus), only one takes the gold medal at the final ceremony.   
     Here I’ll try to briefly tackle an important question using a rather factual and scientific approach: What is the origin of CORONA? Where was she born in the first place? The buzzing rumors on this hot topic goes from being man-made to having a natural origin, from arising in China or elsewhere (US?), from being intentionally or accidentally transmitted to humans and wide spread. I’ll try to objectively present some facts and let you decide for yourself about your favorite hypothesis. Anyhow, experts are not surprised to see so many hypotheses flourish in this context, as a close source to the White House coronavirus task force mentioned that "every time there is an outbreak someone proposes that the virus or other pathogen came out of a lab" including the US intelligence.   
     Synthetizing the discourse regarding the viruses’ origin I found four main hypotheses that seem to circulate widely:
1) CORONA was manufactured in the lab as part of the Chinese bioweapon program,
2) CORONA was brought to China by the US Army during the Military Games held in Wuhan (October 2019),
3) CORONA (accidentally) leaked from one of the Research Labs in the Wuhan area and spread to the densely populated mainland China,
4) CORONA jumped from bats to humans (probably mediated by another animal) at one of Wuhan’s wet-markets, where wild animals from across the globe were kept in insalubrious conditions.       
     For each hypothesis I’ll present the facts using a chronological order and my best scientific–impartial-objective mode and let you analyze the evidence in a separate post. Finally, I’d like to emphasize that my approach is apolitical and biased towards favoring only what I consider solid scientific data, as I am motivated by no additional interests besides my quest for understanding and making sense of what happens with our world.   


Sunday, April 19, 2020

The value of attitudes

Attitudes possess a hidden power to shape and color the melodic and even atonal notes of our lives in most circumstances we have to face throughout the journey. They can set a starting point for what may come later or change the action’s course in the same way as a musical key sets the tone (or pitch) for the notes that unfold on its portative. And my feeble musical allusions are only meant to introduce a recent interaction I had with a dear violinist friend during a leisure talk on a Saturday afternoon. We were discussing about how the same melody can be interpreted differently according to the performer’s attitude. And as our host had a violin at hand, she just exemplified how the same Beethovenian piece can be interpreted with the heavy touch of Johannes Brahms, with the loose flexibility of gypsy fiddlers, and with the original attitude of Ludwig van Beethoven himself. At the end of the brief impromptu concerto all of us were quite struck by the unexpected diversity hidden in the same musical architecture if approached from different perspectives. The immediate juxtaposition of these divergent attitudes, with the various emotions and distinct paths they alluded to, made them stand apart even more.

        The importance and contagious nature of attitudes becomes also apparent during high quality interviews professional journalists conduct. I am talking about the much appreciated experts journalists who are familiar with their field, and spend quality time investigating the details of the discussed topic. In Romania we have a show called “The professionals” where Eugenia Vodă - a movie critic and TV producer - invites different personalities for extensive and oftentimes philosophical interviews about their careers. Her show stayed in top for years as she invited many people, from artists to soccer players, to unveil the details of their path. And during all this time her fascination for the individuals’ achievements, and creativity, and obstacles, and hidden hard work, and unexpected moves never drained. She managed to set a unique tone for her quality productions because her questions were inspired by an authentic enchantment for high performers. And the fascination conveyed by her tone and attitude was nearly always transferred to the interviewee who danced with her every question. I suppose she took advantage of the implicit flattering message send by taking such a profound interest in the details of one’s career or one’s life as a whole. Nevertheless, her attitude was certainly the main source of inspiration for her questions that set the stage for each hour long interview; and by aggregation, for her lifelong journey. That’s just one more example of how a healthy and productive attitude can sets the tone for the notes that unfold on its portative.

          I could elaborate at infinitum about the key impact attitudes have in setting or changing the course of the journey, but I will save this option for latter. Now I just want to leave you with a challenge and some spear time for personal reflections. And there it is: What’s your general attitude towards the CORONA unexpected visit? Are you baffled by the economic impact of the virus and tend to be more sensible to these aspects? Do you have strong opinions about how politicians should manage this complex crisis and tend to launch predictions about the effectiveness of the world leaders’ strategies? Was your scientific curiosity stimulated and you follow the progress of the medical/scientific community? Are you more concerned about the psychological aftereffects and try to prevent them from crippling your family or business? Are you looking for or just started to take advantage of the new opportunities for your business or scientific career or artistic productions? Are you considering how the medical system could be reformed for both practitioners and scientists? Do you see the fragility of human life from a different (broader and wiser) perspective now that you/someone close/your country was affected by CORONA’s unforgiving sting? Do you tend to use this time for deeper introspections regarding true values and the core directions of the life you’d like to pursue after the virus will be unequivocally defeated? What are your attitudes? And how would you like them to set the tone for the notes ready to unfold on your portative after the restart?                   

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Could the second joy be happier for you too?

I’ve been told that my texts seem too dense for some readers, with hidden meanings remaining mute at first glance. Probably some of the unexpected moves, abrupt comparisons, sudden changes and wired associations fancied by my excited neurons preclude the normal predictions in an unanticipated fashion. I do apologize for forcing you to hike into such a dense tropical forest of metaphors instead of graciously inviting you to take a nice walk on a sunny beach during a quiet afternoon. But I am not entirely responsible for this. CORONA initiated this global movement and made us deforest new territories overnight, and at least in my case the terrain was uneven, and rough, and bumpy. And from my stay-home-in-confinement I troubled myself with looking at other people to see how they are coping, and then added other institutions and businesses, and whole industries, and finally entire countries. The disturbing and unsettling show that resulted was so full of false notes, clumsy movements and such an amazing series of cacophonies that I couldn’t retain any doubts that we were totally unprepared for this challenge. And my emotions couldn’t just stay cool and remain calm, but instead started to bump around, and excite my neurons, and clashed with my logical thinking to such a degree that my only way out was to reduce the pressure by letting some of them dance on the keyboard. I also tried vigorous physical movements as a cool down strategy, but sport was only a temporary relief. So I decided to let them out as they came, and figured it’s better to have no interference whatsoever with the metaphor concentration they independently decide to go for.

However, I dare offer some unsolicited advice despite the risk of being redundantly behind the already considered possibilities you thought about from the very beginning. If you simply don’t like such convoluted texts, find unpleasant the tropical forest hikes, and repeatedly scratched your legs with the uncut branches, just drop your backpack and go back to the other pleasant stuff that can satisfy your taste better. For those who do like the hikes but find the tropical forest too dense, the tempo to fast, or the metaphors too tropical – there are alternative solutions. You could just go slower and take your time to smell the flowers and notice the shy ladybug hidden under the third leaf (on the back of it, I mean!). Animated by a curiosity that rivals National Geographic experts, I’ve sketched (even if only with my crayons and pastels) some rare tropical species using figurative language just for your pleasure. And if you find these hikes fun you could take the same route twice. I promise you’ll not get bored during your second trip because I’ll impart with you some of the scenery you’ve missed during the first adventure due to the complicated landscape and the sudden flight of that colorful parrot that captured your attention the first time around. I know time is an expensive commodity, and not everyone can afford it, but it might be wiser to take one hike and fully enjoy it, than perspire 20 minutes because you wanted to pack four hikes in the same box, only to retain the general idea and simultaneously guilty your consciousness for not working hard enough or for stealing 1200 seconds from your family.

If you hypothesized that going slower and taking the same hike twice is not bare theoretical talk but imparting from personal experience, I must congratulate you for having such an astute intuition. The slower second hikes I decided to delight myself with as a sign of appreciation for the intellectual ornaments of ideas fancied by some authors were oftentimes sweeter and more fruitful for me. I took the risk of going deeper into the forest and fondle with their wild cats until they surrendered and behaved almost as domestic animals. And at least for me those pleasures got closer and sometimes beyond the point of experiencing an intellectual orgasm. It’s true that by following this strategy I got to see fewer sceneries, hike on fewer mountain paths and acquainted with fewer intellectual partners. But I value deep intimacy way above sheer numbers, so it would take a long time for someone to persuade me out of this. But I am fully aware that the world is diverse not only in terms of colors and races, but even more so in terms of reading preferences. My humble intention was just to make you contemplate the slower and/or repeated hike strategy and eventually try it once to see how it feels. At any rate, these days diversity lovers are really happy as they can enjoy an almost endless number of hikes and sceneries, be them real or virtual.   

This morning I simply remembered an old saying from Proverbs: “If you find honey, eat just enough, too much of it, and you will vomit.” (Prov. 25:16, NIV). And my brain coupled it with the complaints from some readers, so I thought you might also benefit from it (but even if I am plain wrong, I can still look myself in the mirror with no guilt). And when things will get back to normal, I might take the chance to impart with you less convoluted text designs as I hope to regain my pleasure for long and relaxed walks on the beach during quiet afternoons.   

Disclaimer: I just hope you will find charming when I spill over the limits of my English as a second language.

Note: If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so let me drive the roller-coaster.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Brief guide against baloney theories

I’ve argued in another post that our CORONA-invaded world is currently in suspension. That leaves our bodies, our home office, the lamp and a bunch of unanswered questions to freely float in a zero-gravity field we couldn’t even imagine last month. We are not used to tolerate such a massive amount of uncertainties, and we really hunger for some solid and sound assurances that could help us navigate through this unexpected new normal. We struggle to get answers, to find some unmovable anchors, but they seem to elude us. To satisfy their ruthless hunger for robust beliefs some people resorted to shortcuts, rapidly sketched a theory mascot, swelled it with warm air and hanged with both hands on it. It’s better to have something than nothing, they encourage themselves. Understanding that complex problems need complex solutions, other people try to tolerate the unknown, to carefully look for facts, to launch and test hypothesis and don’t feel less about themselves when acknowledging the limits of their expertise. The truth is that we are frantically searching, trying to understand the many aspects of this crisis, but we just don’t know all the answers yes. If we are serious about it, we better tolerate these uncomfortable uncertainties now; invest our time in exploring the facts, use tentative language for our hypothesis, and forget all about our love affair with certainty. The world has changed dramatically and more surprises will pop up from under the horizon line as the earth revolves each day, so endorsing an attitude of expectancy and apprehension seems wise. Now it’s time to embrace uncertainty, and have a bath in the see of unknown. But as you probably noticed, not everybody likes this swim. And such unstable and unpredictable environment, where suspended questions float unattended in space, represents a perfectly fertile ground for the blossoming of conspiracy theories and apocalyptic speculations.
In February 2020, when China was struggling to fight CORONA, popular conspiracy theories claimed that the US must be hidden behind the scene. And the story that almost went out of print was that Americans got envious for the Chinese economic growths, so they “accidentally” released the virus in Wuhan. And China’s recession was simply history. In March 2020, when China was out of top 5 countries on both total number of infected cases and total number of deaths, the conspirators changed abruptly their discourse. They claimed that actually China is behind the scene, and to augment the plausibility of their newly fetched theory, proposed a play-like scenario. In scene one: the EU and US companies based in China had to stop production due to the crisis, and consequently their value on the stock market dropped. In scene two: Wuhan is in lock down, over 80.000 cases and 3.000 deaths are registered countrywide, but miraculously Shanghai and Beijing - the Chinese economic and political capitals – remain virtually untouched by the virus. In scene three: China redresses rapidly and starts purchasing at a lower price the EU/US companies based there. And such reliable theories – that peaked at the level of unmovable convictions and were generously shared on social media - were made up in just a few minutes after seeing a couple of videos on YouTube. Wouldn’t it have been better for these guys to replace their firm convictions with a hypothesis-oriented approach, to better look for the facts, and to postpone jumping in unknown waters for the sake of keeping intact their neck vertebras?
There is another group who made a personal mission from carefully watching the end of the world scenarios. They are familiar with the Bible and can easily cite many Revelation verses that, in their view, can be reliably linked to the current societal challenges. And the events occasioned by the CORONA crisis represent just the perfect context for unleashing their apocalyptic projections and fears. They are already shouting out loud “The end of the world is here!” and direct our attention to Bill Gates prophecies on the imminent dangers of epidemics, as if the predictions of computerized models have anything to do with divine revelations. They honestly want to be involved in the saving business and lean towards using all their ammunition now, before it’s too late for the world to hear. However, what they tend to ignore is that a sanitary crises, with all its economic and political consequences, could be just a bump in the world history and not the final 100 meter World Olympic race. Their low tolerance for ambiguity and previous religious distortions made them amenable to quickly embrace and disseminate unsupported conclusions. Wouldn’t it have been better for them to simply use tentative language, acknowledge their apprehension and embrace the present unknown more peacefully? Wouldn’t it have been better to tentatively ask rhetorical questions about the end (either of the entire world or of our individual lives), or allude to some difficult to solve challenges around searching for what’s really valuable in life?  
These are only two examples for how proclaiming hasty reached conclusions before the game is over could end up as a hugely effective way to attract shame. If the first conspiracy theory proponents would have hesitated only a few weeks with their launch, they would have had the chance to witness how Donald’s Trump undeterred optimism got unmercifully trumped by CORONA. If US were behind the scheme as they hypothesized, how come they pay the largest bill in terms of infected cases, death toll and economic loss?  And how serious will the world take the next message of those who spend all their ammunition with lancing firmly believed apocalyptic scenarios that run the risk of remaining children imaginative stories? Well, no more serious that the “Help! The wolf is near!” jokes we all laughed about. Do you see now why it’s not wise to bypass the hard and time-consuming work of being serious grounded in facts before launching your theory?
In times of uncertainty we are forced to exercise our muscle of frustration tolerance, whether we are enthusiastic about it or not. If the strengths of looking the void in the eye seems hidden from you, and the need to have an explanation now (and not next month) overpowers your tolerance of uncertainty, then go buy those cheap conspiracy or apocalyptic inspired theories. But remember that cheap theories resemble cheap clothing. They both tend to wear off quite fast, and in no time your friends will easily see through such a rag your deficits of vitamin D on your un-tanned skin. What’s that? Oh, you stay home and nobody except your family can see your clothing for the moment. But I was referring to the conspiracy/apocalyptic outfit you wore (are still wearing?) on social media and all the selfies you posted on your second life account hoping to get un unprecedented number of likes.
It’s true that this crisis massively restructured our business as usual, and the ball is still rolling, and we don’t see the end of the valley yet. It’s true that we simply don’t know how the governments might react if CORONA decides to increase her death toll rate to 10 or 20%. It’s true that it might be unwise to discard as phantasmagoric some hypothesis before really checking the underlying facts and arguments (and I mean checking the facts and arguments up to the limit of perfectionism but not beyond that point!). It’s true that it’s wise to prepare, and be on guard, and not relax prematurely as “in this world something always does go wrong … and the unexpected does happen – regularly.”[1] It’s true that now it’s a time to be apprehensive and consider – that is think deeply about – your next jump. But don’t jump just yet!
Finally, I was insistently advised by my consciousness to release a short list of strategies that could be freely used by those who want to save some of their credit for the next face-to-face meeting with colleagues and neighbors. So unless you have accepted Albert Ellis’s shame attacking challenge (i.e., when clients perform harmless but intentionally shameful behavior in public as a way to increase their tolerance for negative emotions), try following these 7 warning signs:
What appears today as solid theory tomorrow might be proven wrong!
Be open to all possible hypotheses but look for the hard-proven facts!
If you care for the value of your money don’t buy cheap stuff!
Jump only after checking the depth of the pond!
For the moment use tentative language!
And keep some credits for later!

Disclaimer: I just hope you will find charming when I spill over the limits of my English as a second language.

Note: If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so let me drive the roller-coaster.


[1] Robert Farrar Capon (2002) Kingdom, Grace, Judgment, William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Michigan/Cambridge


Friday, April 10, 2020

A world in suspension

In our day and age ideas can bounce from one brain to the next continent in seconds due to our loved-hated technology. Let me illustrate, using the six degree of separation framework, how an idea bounced to me from a previously unknown person. For this story I need to activate only four out of the six degrees of separation. In one of my longer than one hour phone talk with a dear Romanian friend he mentioned how one of his American friends had an insight upon seeing the world suddenly halt. She just applied David’s Peat creative suspension idea to the entire world and let the silence do the rest of the magic. The powerful image suddenly created by my mind while talking to my friend made me pause to acknowledge its appeal. Then I asked him to ask her for the copyright. They both said David Peat is actually guilty for launching the idea, and hypothesized he would have approved my initiative of using it. Anyhow, during this process I realized that amid the CORONA crisis I am willing to ride any horse I can get a hold on, as long as it doesn’t throw me off its back for my insistence of playing around. And now let me show you how I tamed Peat’s suspension horse and where it leaded me, once it got used with carrying an additional 80kg burden who took the role of directing his gaze and ride.
What attracted me to the “suspension” idea was the richness and wealth of meaning incorporated by this one word, and how many of them are relevant to the world (in general) and to our CORONA crisis time (in particular). So let’s start smooth with the first general meaning suspension integrates. Seen from the far-away space our planet appears to float in space, suspended only by the invisible gravity the sun exercises to keep it on the orbit. If we click on the zoom-out button one more time, the Milky Way also appears to be suspended in space and afloat. And the mega zoom-out third click gets us to see the whole Universe as suspended in the surrounding infinite space. End of signal coverage, so we have to stop here. One last comment: I am aware that such a Galileo-old universal truth was around before any viruses came up with the idea to freely hitch-hike our planes, trains and cars for their unwelcomed tour around world. But I took the chance to take you on this journey hoping that such a visit would be refreshing. Now don’t forget to put on your parachute, we will be landing back to our CORONA invaded world.
The second meaning of suspension is related to the tranquility that abruptly engulfed the loudly noises that use to assault our senses on a daily basis. CORONA persuaded authorities to suspend all our unessential hectic physical movements, jumps, crazy social gatherings and face-to-face activities. We obviously had different reactions to it, but some (like the American friend of my friend) could not hide their awe upon seeing that what was previously considered absolute musts could be out of the picture in a matter of days. And another equally powerful realization was that, if the situation so requires, we can actually survive without attending the insane rock concerts, club parties, and other fun but unnecessary noises we tend to surround ourselves with as a way to escape the daily demons and dance with the weekend ones. With our physical movements severely restricted - a long, quiet, unprecedented silence sovereignly took over and offered us an unsolicited but solid time for reflections. For art and symphony lovers, those who were blessed with a beyond average sensibility, the seer silence hit a surprisingly inspiring note from the opening mute melody. So they kept quiet and listened to this peaceful and unusual concert of mostly natural notes. Probably such a planetary performance would have made even John Cage, who composed his 4’33’’ no sound music piece in 1952, envious for not going bigger.      
The third meaning of suspension is rather telluric and deeply related to the sanitary, economic, and societal implications of this invasion. Since the world as we knew it was shuttered, and exists no longer, we long for getting our stability back. With old assurances vanished, we wait in tension to see how things will turn over. We have dozens of suspended questions like: “What are the long term consequences for those who recovered, if any?”; “Would my grandma survive through?”; “What is the origin of this virus?”; “Will I know that cough in the near future (for those who didn’t already)?”; “If I’ll get it, how severe will that be?”; “Will my business be able to recover? If YES, at what costs? If NO, what shell I do?”; “Should I risk changing my job to take advantage of the new business opportunities?”; “How big a price-tag governments (and we all) will finally have to pay for being unprepared to meet this pandemic?”; “When will we hug our friends, enjoy big weddings, go to the Carnival in Venice, and attend international conferences again?”; “How will this crisis affect our country and society as a whole?” Hoping to quiet this suspense we got addicted to the news, widely exchange messages on social media, desperately look for what science has to say, and anxiously inspect future economic prospects that seem worth contemplating. But for the moment almost everyone is left with one option: to exercise, more or less enthusiastically, the muscles of frustration tolerance while desperately trying to avoid the total medical and economic collapse. And we just wish this nightmare suspense will end soon and somehow happy.
The forth meaning for suspension is related to the researchers who frantically investigate the problems using different approaches, hoping to hit a potentially effective treatment and a scalable vaccine. However, my sense is that they are currently in the first stage of the creative resolution, where accumulating detailed knowledge on the problem and trying different strategies is the main focus. For example treatment efforts strategies tackle the problem from dissimilar angles trying to: (1) block the receptors CORONA uses to enter the host cell, or (2) block the machinery of the virus multiplication, or (3) block the repackaging of the virus once into the cell, or (4) kill/dissolve the virus itself (see The science behind CORONA-virus). In terms of vaccines, scientists were able to come up with 115 candidates, out of which 78 were confirmed as active and 5 are in an advanced stage of research (according to a recent article from Nature - The COVID-19 vaccine  development  landscape; April 8, 2020). However, at the moment we just don’t know what works medically and also has the scalable potential to get us out of the houses again. And we might just end up with a scientist who, after months of relentless Sisyphean efforts, decides to take the only flight to Malta and simply have a break. And while waiting for the third canceled flight back, his fresh mind that suspended all activities for a week, might just have a brilliant idea. Actually the whole planet waits in suspense for such a creative suspension to happen.
Finally, the fifth meaning of suspension that I want to leave you with comes from the old Jewish tradition of Sabbatical time. Jews were instructed, according to the Torah, not only to keep the seventh day holy, but to offer nature a regenerative season every sevenths year. Nowadays US universities hijacked this concept and offered tenured faculty a sabbatical leave for intellectual regeneration after a seven year chunk of normal teaching. Honestly, I wish all universities (including mine!) would have incorporated such a refreshing strategy into their personnel policy. But despite working for a non-sabbatical leave university; through a combination of luck, courage and perseverance; I managed to savor the benefits of such a regenerative time during my Fulbright year at the University of Virginia, US. So I know from experience the benedictions of having an entire year just to renew your perspectives, to steer your creativity, and fuel fresh motivation into your tank for trying new adventures. That now 12 years old sabbatical time remains among the top three high times of my life.
With the university leave parenthetical digression aside, we have to admit that CORONA’s threat convinced entire businesses, and industries, and whole countries to take a forced sabbatical time. Only under a severe death threat we bitterly capitulated into giving the planet a break, and reducing air pollution, and giving spring the right to blossom in a quieter, more serene space. Holding grudges we retreated in our shelters while cherry trees bloom, and California grapefruits remain unfamiliar with jet sounds and traffic-jam after effects. Have it ever occur to you that such a sabbatical time (ruthlessly stolen from our businesses, I know!) was actually so much cherished by nature that plants from around the world signed up to express their joy in a huge universal choir concert? Did you notice that forests unions mobilized everyone to increase their processing production for CO2 excesses, knowing well that this generation of sequoia trees may not live long enough to see a similar opportunity? I bet you didn’t! And if you managed to stay out of reach for the buzzing environmentalists’ messages, I just want to let you know that their wildest dreams could not even fancy such a long sabbatical celebration. Their business as usual was to convince 10% of the drivers to use their bikes for two days in a row. But the planet’s sabbatical suspension made them experience such a profound happiness that they just couldn’t stop smiling not only for a day, but for many weeks at a time. And finally, despite my non affiliation with the green party, I hope to make that smile contagious and leave you peacefully admiring the happy, unpolluted magnolia in your garden.

P.S. I am fully aware that not even savvy psychologists could do anything to escape the inevitable distortions of overgeneralizations. While for many of us the world might be in suspension, for first line responders - like the medical and military personnel, politicians faced to suddenly manage comatose countries, protective equipment producers, scientist frantically searching for vaccines and some others – the world seem more like a chaotic nuclear accelerator. Their minds enjoys the suspension silence only unconsciously during the much needed sleep recharge time when surprised by the stillness of the normal rush hours.
 Disclaimer: I just hope you will find charming when I spill over the limits of my English as a second language.
Note: If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so let me drive the roller-coaster.




Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Healthy principles for staying home

Disclaimer: I just hope you will find charming when I spill over the limits of my English as a second language.

Most of us lead complicated, multifaceted lives and entertain various roles in our struggle to experience life fully and attend the endless diversity of our needs. Usually we wear different outfits especially designed for each role we play on separate scenes for distinct audiences. And most of us are pleased with such a compartmentalized life for we have seen its benefits and non-confusing, non-interference value. If you take me for example, I didn’t show my students the gym outfit recently acquired and tend to avoid using scientific jargon when playing hide and seek in the park with my daughter. And such distinctions are also facilitated by the fact that the gym, the university and the park have different addresses scattered throughout the city and I have to endure the traffic jam to jump from one to the other.  

However, CORONA’s microscopic invasion released, among other things, an inconceivably persuasive message that made the entire planet stay home. (Well, almost the entire planet!) At the beginning nobody took seriously the persuasive abilities of a virus to convince just one business in just one country on the advantages of home office for its entire crew. We vastly underestimated its eloquence, followed our business as usual and never-minded the home office perspective. But CORONA continued its persuasive attacks on all fronts and caused some casualties until she convinced both doctors and politicians to shout really loud “STAY HOME, PROTECT THE NHS[1], SAVE LIVES!” And those of us who were not enlisted, due mainly to lack of medical training, were left with just one viable option: to squeeze our complicated and multifaceted life in the limited space of our home and move all the addresses we used to visit to just one: ours. 

To help you navigate through this newly cramped home environment that suddenly bestowed upon you (and us all!), and to prevent your inadvertently stepping on the children’s toy when you suddenly have to get up from the home office to use the bathroom, I’ll try my luck with some suggestions. By no means could such directions be considered comprehensive or “evidence based.” They are rather worth-testing hypothesis backed only by my intuition as a psychologist, a handful of principles I could think of when confronted with this situation myself. I honestly didn’t care to scrub all the Internet’s corners for some backup science just because I was afraid to say something or assume the risk of being plain wrong. Moreover, probably no serious study has been conducted on this topic, for who have thought before CORONA to confine the entire planet home and freeze the world’s economy just to test some psychological hypothesis about healthy coping mechanisms. And even if someone did have such a crazy idea, her proposal would have been rejected by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) due to serious ethical violations. I hope you won’t take this hyperbolic description as a disguise irony for science in general, because it’s not. I honestly believe that good science - in its continuous effort to describe how the world, our body and mind work - is informative and we should rely on it whenever possible. But I also noticed that good science takes that narrow road that lays somewhere between taking into account previous findings and elaborating bold new hypothesis. And I oftentimes strayed on both sides of the road, although the previous-findings-low-risk-high-comfort side is my favorite. But this CORONA stay-home challenge is unprecedented so we have to step on a new ground, and exercise our endurance, and try our creativity. 

Therefore, this time I positioned my strays rather on the bold-untested-hypothesis side and came up with a unusual proposition. Here it’s how it goes: I’ll ask my friend George, who is a professional juggler, to through in the air a few juggling balls. If you follow carefully his act you’ll notice that each ball has a family of key words written on it with a permanent marker. The key words represent a principle, and my only hope is that his act will be catchy enough for your emotions to push you into juggling yourself with at least some of them. Ready to start? Despite the fast movements, you might have noticed on the first ball the words separate, boundary, differentiate – depending on the side of the ball you could follow. As I already alluded to in the beginning, we play different roles in various contexts, and that’s why we generally don’t cook, walk the dog or make love inside our office building (OK, I said generally!). If you are trying to finish a job-related task and your child, who sits in the same home-office space with you, asks something every other 2’38’’ (that is 2 minutes and 38 seconds), it means you did not separate effectively your job role from your parent role. It might be better to have a few hours dedicates exclusively to the job and another few hours dedicated exclusively to the family. If during our stay-home-in-confinement we cannot physically separate the various addresses of our complicated lives, at least we have the power to separate them mentally or divide them in bigger non-overlapping time chunks (like mornings and afternoons, or consecutive days). Also, one room could be dedicated to one activity, while another room(s) could be transformed into playground, or gym, or family meeting space. But I must admit that families who have children or those where personal boundaries were not in place before this crisis are the most vulnerable. They are not good at separating, and tend to use the same fishing net for everything. And we can find in their fishing net fruits, vegetables, toys, office invoices, dirty laundry, the old family lamp, grandpa’s belt and the USB stick gone missing for 5 days. No wonder they spend so much time trying to disentangle the USB from the net only to find out that the invoice was transformed into a hoping frog toy by their children.

The second ball has scratched on it the words diversity and balance. We evolved to be such complex beings because we managed to incorporate in our growth process a large variety of inputs and get multiple satisfactions for our needs. No place here to duplicate the echo of the well-known YouTube duet where work whistles one verse and family whistles the next. We all know about that balance and its significant challenges offered as a bonus during the CORONA crisis. But to maintain our sanity we need to engage in a variety of activities designed to challenge our muscles, neurons, emotions, and digestive system, and this conglomerate should not forget we need at least 8 hours of sleep/night. I hope you still remember the thankful serotonin messages sent up by your brain after a cardio practice and how well you managed to subdue the dinosaurs-like-impossible-to-solve-work-related problems afterwards. Or how lively you felt when an astute writer enticed your imagination using a totally made-up plot and how this fueled your wellbeing for the next weeks. So despite your lockdown, try not to ostracize leisure activities, remember that good movie you wanted to see, and try one night to have a special dinner with your partner while you both wear a stylish outfit. And if you really want to have a party, plan the dinner with another family from across the country and have a normal chat as if you were not using Zoom.

And this gest us to the third ball, that has the words relationship, talk, human connection. It is important to be active in our social support group during normal times when we can spend half a weekend day in the city plaza or invite our friends over for a party. But during a crisis, when most of our lives undergo unexpected transformations, the value of having someone to talk to gets so high in the stock market that all wise investors shout really loud in their undeterred effort to buy as many shares as they can. The value of having frequent and meaningful human exchanges is truly like gold in a crisis, and if you really want to buy something now, buy that gold! Its value reside in the subtle adjustments naturally occasioned by such interchanges, in the implicit emotional support we both offer and receive, in the reciprocal assistance for the delicate meaning making process we all need to reinterpret the new normal of reality. If we manage well to really harness these inner processes, to tactfully pay attention to their needs, to compare our inner GPS with other GPS’s that we trust, our internal emotional engine and fair cognitive understanding could get us successfully through to the other side.

And I’ll tell you a secret: we increase CORONA’s frustration every time we successfully bypass her social distancing dictatorship and manage to be safely in touch with our friends and loved ones. She actually hates our technologies and mass communication and wanted to exploit our weaknesses for the face-to-face natural connection. If you look closely, her biggest successes were reaped in places where direct human interaction is really highly valued in the social fabric (like Italy and Spain) or where huge masses inhabit a limited physical space (like New York). But we can be smarter than her.

The fourth and final ball has really bright colors painted on it and the words proactive, initiate, opportunities. As you already know by now, my friend George is trying to get you involved in the game and be active. So be really careful and catch it! Oh, you didn’t expect that and missed! You thought you were just a bystander with no role in this act. But actually we are using post-modern scenarios which take advantages of everyone’s acting abilities, including yours. So take the colored ball from the ground and start juggling. What? You don’t know what to do with the ball because you haven’t ever juggled in your life? It actually doesn’t matter. It’s your game and you got to make the rules. So maybe it’s time to wonder what opportunities you see in this crisis. How can you be actively involved (if you haven’t already done that)? What new activities could you try? How are you seeing things differently? How your abilities could inform you about something that needs to be done, you always wanted to do? The proactive ball you are holding right now in your hand is just meant to get you started. The rest is going to be history.        

Finally, I must acknowledge that we are complex beings with multiple needs and different skill sets. And after a minimal training, some will be able to joggle quite artistically with one ball but simultaneously act like retarded when joggling with the next one. But don’t worry; in the history of this business we couldn’t hire anybody with a perfect CV; and even George misses some balls (but I am not going to tell you more about it here). Anyhow, expect the process to by bumpy, and to feel at first odd and inadequate as if you are using two left hands (OK, to avoid the grimaces I’ve noticed in the audience I’d like to specify that for the left-handed people it is as if you are using two right hands, all right? Ambidextrous have always an advantage). And lastly, don’t expect to find a somehow satisfying solution sooner than the 8th iteration that is closer to the end of the lockdown time then to its beginning. But I just hope you remember that all that’s important is to be active, to try out, to fuel your humor and to collect many great stories. In the end you could then share them, when you’ll have a full weekend to enjoy the physical presence of your friends in the summer.   

Note: If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so let me drive the roller-coaster.

[1] NHS = National Health System in the UK


Our different reactions to staying home

When it comes to explaining our reactions to usual situations, let alone unprecedentedly extreme crisis ones, there are many factors that came into play: personality, education, cognitive distortions, anxiety levels, financial income, physical and mental illness, cultural norms and much, much more. But the natural diversity of our behaviors, which otherwise would not cry out so loud, becomes particularly evident in the narrow labyrinth we have to take to get out of a crises.    
Personality wise my guess is that introverts were these who really celebrated the CORONA stay-home-in-isolation time. When they first heard about it they couldn’t believe the good news. A long time without the hectic and annoying disruptions of social interferences was always their dream. So they went to the supermarket, bought themselves a bottle of champagne and went home with no hesitation. With an unimaginable pleasure shut the door behind them and enjoyed the splendor of their solitude in their brand new home-office. However, for the Italian and Spanish stay-in-the-plaza-all-day-long temperament, who can’t even conceive having less than 78 different social interactions per day, the CORONA isolation was the bleakest nightmare. They stayed home only when they had both legs broken and immobilized, but their inability to move was 126% compensated by having all their friends and acquaintances over for coffee, branch, lunch, dinner and a late movie. They simply can’t be contained by the prison of their apartment for more than 4.5 hours at a time without going crazy, and smashing all the crystal, and lament to everyone how incredibly unfair this restriction is. They simply don’t care about any CORONA threat; they have to get out meeting their friends, walking the dog and enjoying the weekend barbecue!
At the other extreme we have the overanxious group, those who – even before CORONA - met agoraphobia in a public place, or used to check all possible sources of health information, or exhausted impressive amounts of hand cream to compensate for their frequent hand washing. Their outward behavior tends to be quite compliant when it comes to health policies, as they do not expose themselves out of inattention and never forget to implement even the least important of health rules. But such “perfect behaviors” are certainly fueled by their heavy anxiety drinking. Members of this group are not having just a coffee-cup of anxiety every morning; they are getting into their system 6 mugs full of strongly made anxiety drink every day, plus a rich model of worry cream decorations on the top of each mug (no exceptions!). Therefore these guys, while a piece of cake for authorities to manage, oftentimes need the special attention of mental-health professionals and have a terrific potential to stimulate their creativity in order to reduce their anxiety overdosing and bulimic worry cream intake.        
Another group that waved at us hoping to get some attention, if not the valueless coins we generally forget about, consists of those who barely make it for the day, the poor, the unemployed, the no money to buy the next bread type. We got a glimpse of the struggles endured by such Parasite by spying upon their world through the lens of Bong Joon-ho, the well-known Korean film maker. They would get out to perfect a lousy deal even in times of war, when real bombs would fall like heavy rain drops over the city. CORONA is no more threatening than the constant fears they forcefully befriended, and such a draconic tolerance left them vulnerable on many fronts. And all countries host their homeless bands on the last rung of their economic ladder. If you’d care just for a moment to see life from their perspectives, you’d get how absurd it sounds in their ears our stay home insistence.
But economic motives can highlight not only the behaviors of individuals, but also of whole regions and countries. In Europe at least, Greece thought herself lucky to have surpass its economic crises. And many of Aristotle’s descendants turned to sound business and were enthusiastic about their profit when CORONA signed up for a long tourist stay in Crete and Corfu and for a short visit to the Athens Archeological Museum. In this context, do you think that the Greek dump-the-economy-to-save-lives regulations were as easily released as the German ones? I bet they weren’t!
Sometimes difficult economic situations mingle with cultural norms and personality to form quite an explosive cocktail. Brazilian favelas and Romanian Gypsy communities are just two of the many examples where the utopia of social distancing and personal hygiene hit a peak. In these communities staying home in isolation is the most absurd of the absurd absurdities our society ever conceived. Beyond the precarious soap habits, their degree of social interconnectedness is so ingrained in their culture that CORONA couldn’t be happier. They have always seen kids running around eager to intimately know all the corners of all the houses of the entire neighborhood. And teenagers, adults and older people always mingled together in a no-personal-space manner animated by sharing the latest news, by hoping for a good business or a free meal. Such a tenacious community culture is the only life they know and want to know until their last day. What could ever convince them to just stay home?
Since we have reached this point, I’d like to take a moment for a bird-eye view reflection. In real life personality meets anxiety, and physical health, and mental health, and economy, and culture and another myriad of factors forming sometimes bizarre interconnections. I took the chance to highlight them one by one because I didn’t want to spoil your pleasure of saying “Right, I know someone like this!” But the complicated reality is that all such factors intermingle in a convoluted Chinese noodle soup style across our planet. Now let us go back to last examples we might have otherwise missed.
When it comes to the stay-in-isolation-for-a-long-time challenge, certain people had a long and harsh practice, tougher than the toughest SWAT practice. At least two limited mobility groups already graduated from this difficult master level class, although they were animated by totally, and I mean TOTALLY different motivations. I know, you probably don’t see very often in the same class physically impaired and convicted law-breaker students, but those were the two groups I was talking about. For them the CORONA stay home regulation is not news and didn’t change a bit their routine. They know how hard one has to study for graduation and are not surprised by the toll that has to be paid. I can just imagine the undetained satisfaction which lighted the face of a physically impaired girl in Argentina when she realized that now the whole world does not have to use “just empathy” to get how difficult it is to stay-home-all-day-for-two-months-in-a-row. And probably a similar comfort visited some law-breakers [1] who at lunch time started to exchange jokes like: “What’s the difference between being in and out of jail? None!
Anyhow, by far the funniest groups of all are the skeptics and minimizers, those who – despite the huge media coverage and the WHO roars about the imminent dangers – nonchalantly declare that they “don’t believe in this CORONA virus” or they cite Shakespeare and his “Much Ado about Nothing” play. And almost immediately through a comment about how unnecessary panicky the world is, or fake news or the hidden economic and political motivations they suspect lay behind all these schemes. For them seeing is believing, and since they were neither personally introduced to the CORONA nor haven’t seen her crown in a public place, continue to stay in the nonbeliever group. How could people be so crazy or naïve to believe that something invisible could actually be dangerous – they wonder out loud. Didn’t the common flue claim lives in the past and we all minded our business?
But finally we have render Caesar’s his belongings, and acknowledge for the satisfaction of extroverts, skeptics and low income favela residents that staying home is an excessive and unnatural behavior, mostly associated with significant costs. So yes, you are rightfully entitled to be irritated, frustrated, and stressed out. But if you have a better solution just CRY IT OUT LOUD so that everyone would hear how smart you are. And if you don’t, try your best to comply if you still want to hug your grandma next Easter. Unfortunately, during this crisis situation skeptics, minimizers, extroverts and favela residents are the perfect carriers because their anxiety and worry have betrayed them or they have run out of money for their third item on the list which was soap. And probably their only cure - for skeptics and minimizers I mean, as extroversion is definitely incurable and inheriting the grandpa’s favela was not an option - would be to get sick, and shut up, and go home.

Note: If you happen to be a journalist and think that every now and then I could contribute to the success of your publication, be bold and came up with a good offer. However, bear in mind that I only write about topics I deeply care, so let me drive the roller-coaster.

[1] I am aware that both prisoners and prison administrations are facing significant challenges when it comes to following strict sanitary rules to prevent the widespread of COVID-19 in such environments. Such concerns are certainly justified as interventions to change the situation for the better are difficult to implement there.   
