Saturday, April 25, 2020

The wind and the cherry tree

I was reading in my studio during one spring weekend day trying to delight myself with the oftentimes fascinating perspectives of other brilliant minds. And during one brief pause my accidental glance on the window caught the unannounced white petals parade enacted by the playful interaction between the wind and a nearby cherry tree. My buzzing mind abandoned for a moment all previous activities and let itself be absorbed by the splendors unfolding before my eyes. During that mindful moment I realized how wastefully generous the nature is when offering such free confetti productions, with no previous warnings or advertising. Neither the wind choreographer nor the cherry tree petal dancers seemed to care even for a bit whether their unique show is recorded or not, or whether someone, anyone, is paying attention. God know how many times I’ve missed their beautiful acts during my busy days while caught up in my cluttered program. But with or without bystanders, the wind and the cherry tree are naturally enjoying their daily interactions being animated exclusively by intrinsic motivations, with no thoughts whatsoever about anything that would vaguely resemble performance anxiety. They carry on with their lives and offer every spring, to anyone who cares watching, their wastefully beautiful charades of wedding like confetti entertainment. And probably that’s why such candid moments, with their magical appeal, can evoke in those attending a real cascade of emotions like joy, and gratitude, and awe. If we care to notice, nature offers us such beautifully brief mementos that, despite what happen around and inwards, hope still survives.         




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